Access to Every Product Line

VANTAGE GROUP® consistently represents the top manufacturers in every electrical product group. Whether you need fittings, cable, PLC’s, or any other electrical product, VANTAGEGROUP® not only has the experience selling the product line you prefer, but also has a direct relationship with the manufacturer. In addition, VANTAGEGROUP®offers a wide array of inventory management services. Having the correct product solution for all of your facilities is critical; knowing that VANTAGE GROUP® has the manufacturer relationships and expertise to meet your needs is equally important.

  • VANTAGE GROUP® provides access to every electrical manufacturer.*
  • Jointly, VANTAGE GROUP® owners are among the largest sellers of electrical products in the world. VANTAGE GROUP® consistently represents the top manufacturers in every product category. VANTAGE GROUP® offers a wide array of inventory management services.
*Local franchise restrictions may apply
  • Reduces the need for second tier sourcing of products. Better pricing through consolidated negotiation power. Quality Assurance. We provide the same quality products currently in use.
  • Reduced Inventory Management Costs.